Print: A Relevant Medium in the Modern World

Posted on 11/02/2016
To misquote Mark Twain: reports of the death of print have been greatly exaggerated. Ever since internet speeds became fast enough for us to see words and pictures on a screen without having to wait for the page to load, claims have been made that print has had its day. Newspaper circulations may have dropped, but there is plenty of evidence that print is still a relevant medium in the modern world. Return on Investment Advertising on digital media has grown exponentially over the last decade or so, but research conducted on behalf of the Royal Mail has shown that however logged on the consumer might be, they do not see themselves as digital people. The deluge of advertisements thrown at you in a short time on the internet makes people distrust it. An advert in a printed magazine, though more expensive than digital advertising, can represent a better return on investment if it generates more consumer interest. Vogue: You Got to Go with the Flow Now The March edition of Vogue contains a whopping 275 advertising pages. It’s the thickest issue of Vogue that has been produced in the veteran fashion magazine’s 99 year history, proving that big brands are keen to get their products onto the printed page. Publishing director of Vogue, Stephen Quinn, was unapologetic about the future of print for his magazine, telling Press Gazette: “Vogue remains the definitive fashion magazine, with print still very much at its heart.” Where businesses rely on advertising for much of their income, they would do well to follow the example set by Vogue and expand their printed output. When it comes to considering the relative benefits of print and digital, it’s definitely not a case of one or the other. The two media are complementary and a modern business should combine the two to achieve maximum impact. At Colour Print we have competitive prices on a large range of printed products. See our website for details or call us on 01603 488001 for a quote. A Relevant Medium

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