Printed Calendars Make a Great Promotional Gift for Your Client Base

Posted on 26/10/2023

Printed calendar promotional for coffee supply company on a table with coffee, coffee beans, and milk

Printed calendars are an established and effective way to promote your business and show appreciation to your clients. As a gift, they are useful and attractive, but they also have many benefits for your brand awareness and customer loyalty. Here are some reasons why you should consider printed calendars as a promotional gift for your client base:

  • Useful gift. Printed calendars are practical and convenient for your clients. They can help them keep track of important dates, events, and appointments. They can also serve as a handy visual reference for national holidays, weeks booked off, and other timely information.
  • Attractive present. A well-designed calendar printed to a high quality should be visually appealing ready to enhance the look of any office or home. You can select the exact designs and images that suit your brand identity and message. You can also customise them with any elements you desire to make them unique and memorable.
  • Brand recognition. Because they are displayed all year round, often in prominent places where they can be seen by many people, calendars are great for brand visibility and recognition. Every time your clients look at their calendars, they will be reminded of your business and what you offer.
  • Reaffirming connection. A gift of a printed calendar is a thoughtful gesture that shows your clients that you value their relationship and appreciate their support. They can also help you stay in touch with them and encourage repeat business and referrals.

Unlimited design options

When you work with our professional designers, you will have unlimited options to create a stunning and effective promotional gift for your client base. You can choose from different formats, sizes, shapes, materials, finishes, and binding methods. You can also select the images that best represent your business, such as photos of your products, services, team, location, or achievements. Alternatively, you can use images that relate to your industry, niche, or theme.

Wall and desk calendars

There are two main types of printed calendars: wall calendars and desk calendars. Wall calendars are hung on the wall and usually have a large image on the top half and a calendar grid on the bottom half. Desk calendars are placed on the desk and usually have a smaller image on one side and a calendar grid on the other side.

If you are ready to order printed calendars for your client base, contact Colour Print today. Colour Print is a Norfolk based printer that distributes to the whole UK. We have over 25 years of experience in producing high-quality bound printed products, including printed calendars. We can help you with every aspect of your project, from design to delivery.

At Colour Print, we solve your complex design problems and reproduce accurate and consistent colour time and again. We believe any idea owes its success to the people involved in bringing it to life and producing an exciting finished product, with 100% customer satisfaction.

Don't miss this opportunity to impress your clients with printed calendars that make a great promotional gift. Contact Colour Print today and get a free quote for your project. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Call our office on 01603 488001 or email

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