The printing industry is awash with technical terms. In order to get the level of precision we require, we need to use exact terminology. However, we recognise that, for some of our customers, this language is downright confusing! A while ago we published a blog on demystifying printing jargon that proved popular, so we thought we’d revisit the subject. This time with a focus on digital printing jargon.
Digital Printing
Digital printing involves the transfer of electronic data from a computer file onto a variety of printable substrate. Words and pictures are recorded as data which can be sent as instructions to a printer to reproduce the images on a page. It has changed the way that printing works by eliminating the need to produce and periodically replace expensive printing plates. Here are some common digital printing terms:
- Desktop Publishing. The creation and layout of documents on the screen of a personal computer.
- Inkjet Printing. The recreation of a digital image by the process of imparting drops of ink onto paper or plastic.
- Laser Printing. The process of lasering a negatively-charged image onto a cylinder so that it attracts particles of toner at different rates. The toner is then transferred and bonded to paper.
- Pixel. A pixel (picture cell) is the smallest adaptable element of an image on a computer’s screen.
- Prepress Proofing. The creation of a high quality one-off piece that can be checked for errors before going to press. The digitisation of this process was the precursor to digital printing.
- Print on Demand. A text that is only printed when an order is received for it. A business model made possible by digital printing.
- Variable Data Printing. A type of printing whereby elements of the print can be changed without slowing down the print run. The software combining static and variable elements allows for personalisation in long print runs.
There are dozens of technical terms involved in digital printing and we have only covered the broader principles here. We are always happy to explain the printing jargon we use for customers who express a curiosity about it.
Call us on 01603 488001 to find out how we can help with your printing project.
Is there any piece of digital printing jargon that you would like to have explained? Tweet us at @Colour_Print or ask a question on our Facebook page.